New Delhi, Dec 10 (IANS) The paramilitary Border Security Force (BSF) is set to open over 500 new Border Out Posts (BOP) to check infiltration and cross-border movement of terrorists along India’s borders with Pakistan and Bangladesh, its special director general, Arvind Ranjan, said Monday.

‘We have 1,300 BOPs in international border areas of Punjab, Rajasthan and Assam. As many as, 509 are to be opened within two years to keep a check on infiltration,’ Ranjan said while addressing officers and other dignitaries on the BSF’s Raising Day parade.

The ceremony was postponed from Dec 1 due to the demise of former prime minister I.K. Gujral on Nov 30.

‘The BSF secures over 6300 kilometers of the international border with Pakistan and Bangladesh. It’s also deployed alongside the Indian Army on the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir,’ he said.

The BSF, over time, has developed the skills for undertaking the diverse tasks of border management, counter-insurgency operations and maintaining internal security, besides being deployed on UN missions.

‘Presently, the BSF is deployed in anti-Naxal (Maoist) operations in Chattisgarh and Orissa,’ he said.

On the occasion, different contingents of the force, including a women’s contingent, particpated in the parade, at which Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde took the salute.

Four BSF personnel were awarded the President’s Police Medal for gallantry and eight personnel the President’s Police Medal for distinguished service.