New Delhi, Feb 12 (IANS) A helpline was launched here Wednesday to counsel jilted lovers dealing with heartbreak around Valentine’s Day Feb 14.

The 24-hour free helpline — 09910135295 — will help people suffering from severe depression and those who develop suicidal tendencies after being rejected by someone they love.
“Every year after Valentine’s Day, we get flooded with complaints of depression related to rejection,” said Sunil Mittal of Cosmos Institute of Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences, which has launched the helpline.
“These youngsters are depressed and at times suicidal as they are unable to cope with rejection and peer pressure to be in a relationship,” he added.
Pressures of life, long working hours, stress and individual independence are the common reasons for an increased level of frustration and poor emotional, sexual and social adjustment with the partner, said psychologist Mitali Srivastava.
