New Delhi, Feb 1 (IANS) Bollywood “Queen” Kangana Ranaut added some warmth in the chilling weather of the capital when she came to launch the table reservation app of Big Fish Ventures, a Delhi-based startup that runs premium dining lounges such as The Vault Cafe, The Junkyard Cafe, Cafe Public Connection, Indian dhaba restaurant GaramDharam and Bandstand.
Through this app, customers can make reservations, redeem loyalty points and avail promotional offers in just one click and Kangana feels its a great initiative for people like her who plan on the spot.
“It’s a cool idea and cool app. For me, I think it’s great initiative for people like us who plan on the spot. It’s very hand and useful,” the actress, looking glamorous in paant suit teamed with short hair look, told reporters post the launch of the app at the The Junkyard Cafe here.
The app will cater to the 60,000 customer base who frequent these restaurants every month in a better way and plans to bring over 2 lakh customers by end of 2016.
“We will bring over 2 lakh customers on our mobile app by end of 2016 and will be doing over 5,000 table reservations per day by June 2016. We plan to invest over $3-4 million over next 3 years,” said Big Fish Ventures founder Umang Tewari.
The app will be available on Google Play Store and Apple Store and will provide regular update its customers about promotional activities and events at the outlets operated by Big Fish Ventures.