New Delhi, Sep 18 ( Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi Friday asked Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to “exert diplomatic pressure at appropriate levels” on the Sri Lankan government to end the “untold sufferings” of the displaced Tamils living in relief camps there.

On the instructions of Karunanidhi, Union Textiles Minister Dayanidhi Maran called on the prime minister to “highlight the plight of the displaced Tamils” living in Sri Lankan camps.

“The prime minister has assured of all possible immediate assistance by the Indian government” to the displaced Tamils, said Maran in a release after his meeting.

During this meeting, Maran explained the “pathetic living conditions” of these families living in the camps for the past several months,” the release said.

“While pointing out the untold sufferings of these displaced Tamils for want of medical care and basic amenities and the delay by the Government of Sri Lanka in taking remedial action, he has persuaded the prime minister to step in and exert diplomatic pressure at appropriate levels in the Government of Sri Lanka to allow these hapless families to return to their original residences at the earliest,” the release added.

National Security Advisor M.K. Narayanan was present during the meeting.