Panchkula (Haryana), Oct 21 ( A two-year-old child, who was kidnapped from outside her house in this Haryana town Tuesday evening, was brought back Wednesday but police and family remained tight-lipped on how the child was rescued.

Amitabh Dhillon, district police chief, said: “We cannot divulge anything as of now because it may hamper our investigation.”

According to police, four men, in their early 20s, allegedly kidnapped Jia from the garden outside her house here in Sector-7.

Jia was with her caretaker, who had gone inside the house, when she was abducted. The car used in the crime had a fake Haryana registration number.

Malkit Singh Kang, the child’s grand-father, told reporters: “We are very happy that Jia is fine and she has returned home. Rest you can ask the police.”

The child’s father runs a gym here in Sector 8, around 10 km away from state capital Chandigarh.