Chandigarh, Nov 16 ( United India Insurance has been asked by the consumer forum here to pay Rs.400,000 plus interest to a customer who got a truck insured with the company but was not paid when the vehicle was stolen.

The district consumer disputes redressal forum directed the insurer to pay Rs.400,000 as cost of the lost truck to owner Anju Joshi and an interest of 7 percent from the date of her filing the theft report.

“My truck was insured with United India for Rs.400,000 from June 6, 2000 to June 5, 2001. I had paid the premium amount on time but my truck was stolen in July 2000,” Joshi, a resident of Mandi Gobindgarh town in Punjab, told IANS here Monday.

“Following this, I informed the police and the insurance company. I submitted all documents but the company did not entertain my claim, so I approached the consumer forum.”

Counsel for United India said in the company’s argument that the firm had not received the requisite documents from the complainant on time, which led to the delay in proceedings.

The forum, after hearing all arguments, directed the insurance company to pay the compensation amount along with interest to Joshi.