London, Jan 31 ( The Chinese government is not only hacking into computers but also bugging, burgling and blackmailing British business executives in search of commercial secrets, the British intelligence agency was quoted saying Sunday.

The Sunday Times quoted a secret MI5 document as saying spies from the Chinese army and public security ministry approach British businessmen with offers of gifts, including cameras and memory sticks that have been found to contain electronic bugs which provide the Chinese remote access to users’ computers.

The MI5 describes the Chinese government as constituting “one of the most significant espionage threats to the UK”.

The newspaper said a 14-page document, written by the MI5’s Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure, catalogues Chinese hacking attacks on British defence, energy, communications and manufacturing companies.

“Any UK company might be at risk if it holds information which would benefit the Chinese,” the report was quoted as saying.

“An undercover intelligence officer may try to develop a friendship or business relationship, often using lavish hospitality and flattery.

“Chinese intelligence services have also been known to exploit vulnerabilities such as sexual relationships and illegal activities to pressurise individuals to co-operate with them,” it warned.