Panaji, Jan 4 (IANS) The Goa government Friday launched the Griha Aadhar scheme, which will give a monthly allowance of Rs.1,000 to housewives to combat inflation.

Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar disbursed cheques of Rs.1,000 to beneficiaries under the scheme at a function here Friday evening.
“Over 7,703 sanction letters were given to the beneficiaries today (Friday). There are many more to come. Rs.1,000 goes to those housewives who have to face rising costs and inflation to run their kitchens,” Parrikar said.
The Griha Aadhar scheme and another scheme Laadli Laxmi – aimed at arresting female foeticide in the state – were among promises made by the Bharatiya Janata Party in its election manifesto in the March 2012 assembly polls.
“The only way to fight inflation is to equip people to fight it. This allowance of Rs.1,000 will help to some extent,” Parrikar said.