Bangalore, Oct 9 ( Infosys Technologies Ltd has projected revenue of Rs.54.76 billion (Rs.5,476 crore) for the third quarter (October-December) of this fiscal (2009-10), indicating a decline of 5.4 percent year-on-year (YoY) as per the Indian accounting standard.
In a regulatory filing Friday, the IT bellwether said its consolidated income for this fiscal (FY 2010) was expected to be about Rs.220.55 billion (Rs.22,055 crore), which would be a marginal growth of 1.2-1.7 percent YoY as per the Indian accounting standard.
According to the International Financial Reporting System (IFRS), consolidated revenue for the third quarter (Q3) is projected to be $1.17 billion, a decline of 0.5 percent YoY.
Similarly, for the fiscal, the consolidated revenue is projected to be around $4.6 billion, a decline of one percent YoY.