Gandhinagar, June 9 (IANS) Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi Tuesday launched a supplementary nutritional food programme aiming to reach about 40 lakh poor beneficiaries through the anganwadi network in the state.
‘It is a unique movement to free children and pregnant women from the scourge of malnutrition,’ Modi said.
It would be undertaken under the aegis of the state government’s women and child welfare department as part of the Integrated Child Development Programme. It entails providing ready-to-cook, pre-mix food containing micronutrients that can be used to prepare more than 70 food items to be distributed through 44,789 anganwadis in the state.
The state government has made a provision of Rs.730 crore for the programme. Additionally, a provision of Rs.100 crore has been made to build separate buildings for anganwadis.