Naya Raipur, April 2 (IANS) Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh Tuesday said that Naya Raipur city is shaping up to be the “heart-throbbing 21st century city” for the 2.55 crore people of the state as he dedicated its first residential colony.

“The city spread over an estimated 8,000 hectares would also have four wide roads named after Chhattisgarh’s legendary figures who sacrificed their lives during the freedom struggle and provided their exemplary contribution in the social and literary fields,” he remarked after inaugurating the colony at Sector 27 developed at a cost of around Rs.365 crore on 150 acres of land and comprising 2,665 housing units.
He remembered the former prime minister Atal Behari Vajpayee, stating that the latter showed the path of development by creating Chhattisgarh.
“About 13 years back, the people of the state after its formation had dreamt of a new state capital. This is the first residential colony of Naya Raipur and this dream had been realised today on the ground,” he said.
He added that the courage to build a 21st century new capital city was displayed on account of the people having faith in the state government. “We just didn’t see a dream, we also displayed the motivation to bring it into a reality”.