New Delhi, July 9 ( Delhi police have arrested four people who had robbed two employees of a gas agency of over Rs 350,000 after throwing chilli powder in their eyes.
The four accused – Nadeem (22), Shanti (35), Ashok (22) and Imran Ahmad (21) – were caught Wednesday for robbing two employees of an east Delhi gas agency – Kapil Vig and Vinod – of Rs.358,000 while they were going to deposit the money in a bank, said a senior police officer.
According to the police officer, the four flung chilli powder in the eyes of Vig and Vinod and assaulted them with a sharp-edged object as they grabbed the cash and fled from the spot.
Police were looking for two others who are involved with the accused, the police officer said.
“On interrogation, the accused revealed that the information about the money being deposited every working day was given to them by an ex-employee of the gas agency, based on which they conducted a recce for one week and meticulously planned the robbery,” the police officer added.