Chennai, Jan 3 (IANS) Actor-filmmaker Tanikella Bharani considers the commendation that he has received from veteran Telugu filmmaker Bapu aka Sattiraju Lakshmi Narayana for his film “Midhunam” as his biggest award.

“I’m happy that the audiences loved my film and what makes me happier is the overwhelming feedback I have received from Bapu sir, which is bigger than any award”, Bharani told IANS.
After watching the film, based on Sriramana Midhunam’s Telugu novel, Bapu wrote a letter to Bharani appreciating his work in the film.
Released Dec 28 last year, “Mithunam” revolves around the marital life of two elderly characters played by S.P. Balasubramanyam and Lakshmi.
Asked if he is happy with the response, Bharani said: “I didn’t make this film with lucrative intentions. I wanted to make a clean family film and I’m happy I succeeded.”