New Delhi, Sep 21 (IANS) After registering a powerful box office collection in its opening weekend, Anurag Basu’s “Barfi!” has continued a successful run in the country. The Ranbir Kapoor-starrer has managed to earn Rs.58.6 crore in its first week.

The movie, released Sep 14, was made at a budget of Rs.30 crore.
It minted Rs.34.6 crore during the weekend, and amassed a total of Rs.58.6 crore over the week – Sep 14 (Rs.9.2 crore), Sep 15 (Rs.11.5 crore), Sep 16 (Rs.13.9 crore), Sep 17 (Rs.6.5 crore), Sep 18 (Rs.6 crore), Sep 19 (Rs.7.25 crore) and Sep 20 (Rs.4.25 crore).
The film, about love between differently-abled — a deaf and mute boy and an autistic girl — opened in approximately 700 screens in India, Sep 14.
“For ‘Barfi!’ we successfully managed to identify cinemas that complement the film. The idea was to ensure that film is available to all viewers within reach without over loading the film in first week,” Gaurav Verma, Director – India Theatrical Distribution, Studios, Disney UTV, said in a statement.
“We were very confident of the content and sure that the positive word of mouth publicity will get the audiences into the theatres and film will grow from show to show and day by day. This strategy has worked for the film and the response has been overwhelming,” he added.
The romantic comedy has touched viewers and critics alike with its simple, but powerful narrative. The movie, which also stars Priyanka Chopra, marked the Bollywood debut of southern actress Ileana D’Cruz, who has been appreciated for her performance.