Pune, Dec 2 (IANS) Veteran Bollywood character actor and filmmaker Deven Verma, who delivered memorable performances in films like “Angoor” and “Khatta Meetha”, died here early Tuesday following a heart attack and kidney failure, family sources said. He was 77.
He is survived by his wife Rupa Ganguly, the younger daughter of the late legendary actor Ashok Kumar.
Verma breathed his last around 2 a.m. at his home in Pune, the city of his birth from where he graduated in politics and sociology before joining the film industry.
The actor also featured in movies such as “Angoor”, “Chori Mera Kaam”, “Andaz Apna Apna”, “Bemisal”, “Judaai”, “Dil To Paagal Hai”, and “Kora Kagaz”.
His funeral will be performed Tuesday afternoon at the Yerawada crematorium.