New Delhi, April 2 (IANS) Filmmaker David Dhawan, who visited the set of reality show “India’s Best Dramebaaz” with his “Chashme Baddoor” cast recently, was blown away by the talent pool. He said some children were capable of giving Bollywood stars a run for their money.

“Their maturity, poise and confidence is remarkable. Some of the kids delivered their lines with such aplomb that even some seasoned actors will have a tough time matching them,” commented Dhawan.
The filmmaker was accompanied by Taapsee Pannu and Divyendu Sharma.
While Dhawan was mesmerised by the children, Taapsee was courted by two of the show’s most mischievous boys – Praneet and Zenith. Taapsee even waltzed with Zenith.

The special episode will go on air Sunday on Zee TV.