Mumbai, March 29 (IANS) Filmmaker Feroz Abbas Khan, who earlier directed the critically acclaimed film “Gandhi, My Father”, is currently busy promoting his new film “Dekh Tamasha Dekh”, which has a socio-political flavour to it. But he assures that he will make a mass-appealing movie sometime soon.

“I can assure you that my next film would be a massy entertainer. I do believe I want to do a film where I can connect with a large number of audience. I want to connect with the audience in a huge way, so I am excited about it,” Khan told IANS.
“I am scripting my film and I would say it would not be a political film. It will be a pure joy film,” he added.
The rough draft of the project, he says, is ready.
“Once we release ‘Dekh Tamasha Dekh’, we will start shooting for the next. We have not decided the star cast yet,” he said.
“Dekh Tamasha Dekh” is set to release April 11.
