Chennai, July 20 (IANS) Haricane Studios, a popular Indian VFX and animation company, will collaborate with a leading international production house to co-produce the animated adaptation of “The Town Musicians of Bremen”. The joint venture will reportedly cost about $45 million.

Currently, the film is in its pre-production phase.
“We have been looking to associate with a project that can appeal to a global audience. Films like ‘Ice Age’, ‘Tangled’ and ‘Happy Feet’ have appealed to people of all age groups and have an interesting story to convey. This will be one such tale, which can connect with people all across,” Prabhakaran Hari Haran, managing director, Haricane Studios, said in a statement.
However, Hari, the great grandson of late popular Tamil actor M.R. Radha, didn’t reveal the name of the Hollywood studio he is collaborating with.
As for his dreams, he always wanted to go global and this film is his first step in the direction.
“Our meetings in Hollywood have provided us with the required insights necessary to come up with international standards. We are mentored by some of the influential names from the top studios, in relation to the project,” he said.
“And what I feel is the magic element of this project is the music, which we have an amazing scope to work on. We plan to rope in an Indian music director, to give that soulful touch to the background score,” he added.
