Chennai, Nov 7 (IANS) Actor-filmmaker Kamal Haasan, who turned 60 Friday, has launched the cleaning of Madhambakkam lake here as part of the Clean India campaign.
Kamal is spearheading the movement along with the volunteers of ‘Narpani Iyakkam’ (Welfare Club).
“Kamal Haasan launched the cleaning of Madhambakkam lake earlier this morning. Later in the day, he is expected to announce his plans on how to take the Swachh Bharat campaign forward and get more people involved,” read a statement.
Recently, Kamal accepted Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s invite to join the Clean India campaign and in turn invited nine million people to make this a “nation building” initiative.
He also said he will “pursue this exercise not for any political philosophy”.
Family and close friends of Kamal are expected to organise a birthday party later.