New Delhi, Nov 3 (IANS) Indian animated movie “Krishna Aur Kans”, inspired by mythological characters, was recently given a special jury award by Association of International Du Film D’ Animation (ASIFA) for best animation and special effects.
ASIFA is a professional body, recognized by UNESCO, which is devoted to developing film animation both as an art and also as an effective means of communication.
Produced by Reliance Animation and directed by Vikram Veturi, “Krishna Aur Kans” has voice-overs by Om Puri, Juhi Chawla, Anupam Kher and Manoj Bajpayee. The team is joyous.
“This award belongs to every member of the 1,200 artists who have painstakingly worked on the project over the last five and half years and also to the research team who had put together an incredible four years to get every aspect of the content authentic,” Ashish SK, CEO, Reliance Animation and the film’s executive producer, said in a statement.
He hopes the movie becomes “a point of reference and also a benchmark for Indian animation, a quality parameter that will give Indian animated content a respectable position in global perspective”.
Filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani, who saw the film, is also all praises for it.
“When I started watching ‘Krishna aur Kans’, the very beginning itself with its visual treatment made me feel that this film will surely reach somewhere,” said Hirani.
“And it indeed turned out to be so. It dramatically engaged me, the animation was very good, the background music was excellent, Shantanu Moitra and Swanand Kirkire’s songs were melodious. Overall, the way it’s animated, it seems perfect for this film. It was a very satisfying experience watching ‘Krishna aur Kans’,” added Hirani.