New Delhi, June 25 (IANS) The movie-viewing experience just got more luxurious for film buffs in the capital with the launch of M Cinemas, a “first of its kind concept theatre”.

The new property has been launched by Marquee Cinemas Pvt Ltd, which owns the good old Sapna Theatre.
Located in the East of Kailash area here, M Cinemas aims to redefine consumer’s cinema viewing experience by bringing in high-end luxury and latest state-of-the-art technology.
“M Cinemas is the result of years of research and consultation. We aim to bring a turnaround in the movie experience in India and revolutionise cinema watching for the citizens of the country at competitive prices offering good value for money,” Karan Kukreja, managing director, M Cinemas, said in a statement.
Kukreja believes “Indians haven’t yet experienced the true joy of 3D watching in the country” and that they “endeavour to be the game-changers in the field with upgraded technology.”
“Our 3D experience will change the outlook of movie-goers towards the technology. We have strived to achieve and produce the theatre of every Indian’s dreams with 398 LaZboys, a 64-feet screen, an in-house kitchen, latest sound technology by Dolby Atmos and the only theatre in the country with Christie dual 4000 server projector providing superior viewing quality,” he added.
Christie Duo allows one projector to be dedicated to the right eye and one projector to be dedicated to the left, enhancing the overall visual experience, while the sound of Dolby Atmos will make the audiences feel as if they are part of the film, and not merely watching it.
