Chennai, April 22 (IANS) In forthcoming Telugu anthology film “Chandamama Kathalu”, which features eight short stories, allocating time for each story and its characters in the screenplay was a challenge for director Praveen Sattaru but he resolved it by using algebra to distribute equal time to each artist.

“Chandamama Kathalu” releases Friday worldwide.
“To allocate equal screen space for the lead characters, I used algebraic equations to distribute time. The biggest challenge was distributing equal time for all these actors and their respective stories,” Praveen told IANS.
“It was very important that audiences should remember what the first story was by the time they finish watching the last story. To ensure this, I had to equally distribute time for these stories. This was possible by applying some algebraic formulae,” he added.
Featuring an ensemble cast of Naresh, Aamani, Lakshmi Manchu, Chaitanya Krishna, Krishnudu and Richa Panai, “Chandamama Kathalu” is said to be the first anthology film in Telugu.
