New Delhi, Oct 2 (IANS) Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi should apologise now that his allegations that the central government spent Rs.1,880 crore on UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi’s foreign visits and treatment abroad have been proven false, the Congress said Tuesday.

“Modi should apologise to the nation and to the Gandhi family now that it is proved that his allegations on Soniaji’s foreign visits and her treatment abroad were wrong,” said Congress leader Rajiv Shukla.
Shukla said the person who had filed the Right to Information application seeking these details has told media that he never got any information on this and the figures given by Modi are wrong.
“Not a single penny from government coffers was spent on Gandhi’s treatment. Even the editor of the newspaper, which Modi quoted, has said that it is false,” said Shukla.
Modi had criticised the central government Monday for questioning the Gujarat government for spending money on festivities and celebrations. He said the state should not be questioned when the central government has itself spent Rs.1,880 crore for Gandhi’s foreign trips and “treatment abroad” over three years.
Gandhi went abroad Sep 1 for a routine medical check-up and returned after a week. She had gone to the US for a surgery related to an undisclosed ailment last year.