London, Feb 17 ( The gruelling shooting schedule of “Shutter Island” left Leonardo DiCaprio so traumatised that he forget where he was.

During the shoot, the 35-year-old actor was pelted with rats while having to remember a complex dialogue. The experience took such an emotional toll that he started losing his sense of reality, reports

“My character was going through extreme emotional trauma and it’s hard for those types of things not to rub off on you.

“Co-star Mark Ruffalo and I had to spout out three pages of dialogue. We had to talk through the wind machines, the rain machines and rats being thrown at us. But, just like the character, we had to persevere in finding out what was really going on in Shutter Island,” he said.

“A few weeks towards the end of filming, I started to forget where I was. We kept pushing this character further and further. It was day after day of re-enacting a traumatic event that was either a dream or reality for this guy.

“I remember saying to Marty, ‘I have no idea where I am or what I’m doing,'” he added.