London, April 20 ( Hollywood actress Lindsay Lohan is reportedly $600,000 in debt and could be the subject of legal action if she fails to address her financial problems soon.

“Lindsay owes credit card (companies) $600,000. One card cut her off last week, and it’s only a matter of time before all her other credit cards cut her off too,” quoted a source as saying.

“One credit card company is going to discuss a payment plan for Lindsay. But if she doesn’t have the income and can’t make her payments, they are prepared to sue her,” source added.

Earlier this month, it was claimed the actress came close to being evicted from her Los Angeles home because she was two months behind on her rent. The actress paid her landlord $23,000 after receiving a legal notice.

Much of Lindsay’s current income is believed to come from personal appearances, but her fees has been slashed.