New Delhi, March 1 (IANS) Five property dealers have been arrested for accepting bets on Sunday’s India-England World Cup match, police said Tuesday.
Kuldeep Jain (32), Ajay Jain (34), Manoj Jain (39), Suresh Chand (42) and Avdhesh Sharma (44), all residents of Uttar Pradesh, were arrested from East of Kailash in south Delhi Sunday, Deputy Commissioner of Police Ashok Chand said.
He said that they were not taking bets directly but operated through 32 associates at different places in Delhi.
Police also recovered 32 mobile phones being used to convey betting rates to the associates.
‘The rates were taken from a website,’ said Chand.
Police said bets worth Rs.1.35 crore had been placed by the time the men were raided.
‘This is the the fourth such case in the past one week after the cricket World Cup began,’ he said.
–Indo-Asian New Service