Patna, April 20 (IANS) A Bihar court Saturday granted Delhi Police three-day transit remand of Manoj Kumar, 25, accused in the rape of the five-year-old in Delhi. Kumar was arrested from a village in Bihar’s Muzaffarpur district, police said Saturday.

A team of Delhi Police, with help from local police, arrested Kumar from Chiknauta village under Karza police station in Muzaffarpur, about 70 km from here, early Saturday, a district police official said.
“After he was arrested, Manoj Kumar was produced in the court of the chief judicial magistrate in Muzaffarpur and the court granted a three-day transit remand to Delhi Police,” the official said.
Manoj Kumar will be escorted by police first to Patna and then onward to Delhi, the official said.
Meanwhile, the five-year-old victim, from whose vaginal orifice doctors surgically removed a 200-ml bottle of hair oil and pieces of candlesticks, is under treatment at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in New Delhi.