Raipur, April 30 (IANS) Two Chhattisgarh police personnel posted at the Counter- Terrorism and Jungle Warfare College (CTJWC) based in Maoist insurgency-hit Bastar region were arrested for the rape of two tribal girls, police said Saturday.

‘The two accused have been arrested after the girls registered a complaint of rape,’ Rajesh John, police station in-charge of Kanker where the CTJWC is based, told reporters.

The accused have been identified as Lekhraj Sonwani and Suresh Kumar, who originally belonged to Surguja district.

The official said that the accused on Thursday took the girls, who study in Class 9 and 10, respectively, to a forested area near CTJWC and raped them.

The incident has triggered anger among the people and the accused were suspended.

CTJWC director B.K. Ponwar, a retired army brigadier, told IANS: ‘Both the policemen were basically cooks and were not part of the policemen who are here to be trained for guerrilla warfare. We handed them over to local police to initiate strongest action as per the law.’

The CTJWC was set up in 2005 to train policemen of several states to ‘fight a guerrilla like a guerrilla’.