New Delhi, Oct 31 ( Senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Sushma Swaraj Saturday said the party would come out of its present crisis and that her word can be taken as a “prophecy”.

“See, in every human life there are phases. Similarly in political life there are good phases and bad phases. We (the BJP) will come out of it. You can take it as a prophecy,” Sushma Swaraj said at the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit here.

The BJP leader was replying to a question on whether the crisis-hit party was in a position to provide leadership to the country. The BJP has been in trouble since the release of Jaswant Singh’s book – “Jinnah – India, Partition and Independence”, in which the founder of Pakistan, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, was not portrayed as such a bogeyman as he usually is in India.

Singh was expelled from the party — a move that fuelled criticism within and without the party.

Sushma Swaraj, who has often been dubbed the successor of party senior L.K. Advani if he decides to retire from politics, refused to comment on the issue.

“I do not want to reply to speculations. I am speaking in my party’s interest. These are all rumours,” she said.

To a question on the ongoing power struggle in the party unit in Karnataka, where it is in power, Swaraj said the problem would be resolved “in a day or two”.