Lucknow, May 19 (Inditop) Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) supremo and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati Tuesday announced that her party’s 21 MPs will extend outside support to the new United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government at the centre.

That means the new government will be comfortably ahead of the halfway mark in parliament. The UPA won 263 seats in the just-concluded Lok Sabha polls, nine short of the halfway mark.

Mayawati told reporters here at the start of a BSP national executive meeting that the BSP support to the central government would be “unconditional”.

“The party has agreed to provide outside support to the UPA government without any conditions,” she said.

Mayawati added that she had authorised senior BSP leader Satish C. Mishra to go to the president to hand over a letter extending BSP support to the UPA government.

By rounak