Chennai, June 29 (IANS) Former Tamil Nadu chief minister and DMK president M. Karunanidhi Wednesday said that the charges of alleged irregularities against his government in constructing the new secretariat complex are the imagination of the J. Jayalalithaa-led state government.

In a letter to party cadres released to the media here, Karunanidhi said there were no media reports about the alleged complaints of irregularities in the construction of the building.

He said the state government in its own imagination claimed to have received such complaints and constituted a one-man commission to probe the lapses.

Karunanidhi said the commission was constituted by Jayalalithaa to escape the people’s anger for not working out of the new secretariat complex.

He said the government incurred unnecessary expenses in the form of shifting the chief minister’s room when Jayalalithaa went to New Delhi to meet Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

He also questioned the credibility of retired Madras High Court judge S. Thangaraj who is probing the alleged lapses in the construction of the new secretariat complex.