Gandhinagar, June7 (IANS) Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi Monday sealed a 90-kg Time Capsule, scripting the progress of the state since its formation May 1, 1960, and lowered it under the ground for posterity at the site of the under-construction Mahatma Mandir.
The capsule, christened ‘Kaal Sanduk’ of ‘Smriti Manjusha’ is made of special gauge stainless steel appropriately treated for longevity.
The scripts are written on a 100-foot long, 3-foot wide special paper mixed with plastic. They have been written in Gujarati, Hindi, English and Sanskrit.
According to official sources, the scrolls are designed to last 1,000 years and contain 29 audio-visual compact discs prepared by the Gujarat government, Ravishankar Maharaj’s word-by-word speech delivered at the time of Gujarat’s Foundation Day, the concept of the Mandir and the opinion of ‘kar sevaks’ participating in its construction.
The capsule also carried proceedings of the state’s golden jubilee celebration May 1, 2010.
Modi lowered the capsule under the ground at 12.19 p.m amid chanting of Vedic hymns in the presence of ministers, MPs, legislators and mayors from various cities.