Chennai, March 30 (IANS) Actor-turned-politician and DMDK founder A. Vijayakant Wednesday said that he had hit his assistant after his cordless mike failed at an election rally Tuesday evening, and not the party’s Dharmapuri constituency candidate.

Addressing a rally in Yercaud hill station Wednesday, Vijayakant said he had hit his assistant as he failed to set up the cordless mike properly.

He said his party men know very well that he will not tolerate it if they are found wanting.

‘Those who get beaten by me will come up in their lives,’ he remarked.

Television visuals clearly showed Vijayakant repeatedly slapping a person in his campaign van.

There were reports that the victim was the party’s Dharmapuri candidate A. Bhaskaran for he tried to correct Vijayakant, who introduced him by a wrong name.