New Delhi, July 17 ( Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar had the Lok Sabha in splits Friday, with Power Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde being at the receiving end of her good-natured leg pulling.

“You are the power minister now. You have more voltage and shock,” she told Shinde during question hour.

This was after the minister, while replying to a question from Ananth Geete, who once held the portfolio, said he “sometimes gives a shock”.

“Geete is a former power minister, so he sometimes gives a shock while asking a question,” Shinde said, leading to the speaker’s response.


CPI-M’s first-timer Rajesh a man in a hurry

Newly elected Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) MP from Kerala M.B. Rajesh seems to be a man in a hurry considering he has so far asked a staggering 30 questions!

He was tickled pink Friday when the first of these was answered – and that too by Railways Minister Mamata Banerjee, a fierce critic of his party in her native West Bengal.

“Detailed project report has been submitted to the Planning Commission for appraisal,” Banerjee said in response to Rajesh’s question on establishing a new rail coach factory at Palakkad.

“I have so far asked 30 questions. This is the first answer by a minister to my questions,” Rajesh beamed.

By rounak