New Delhi, Nov 2 (IANS) Prime Minister Narendra Modi Sunday said his reference in his radio address to specially-abled children inspired the HRD ministry to provide scholarships to 1,000 such meritorious children who want study in technical institutes.

In his second “Mann ki Baat” radio address Sunday, the prime minister said after he spoke about the needs of the specially-abled children in his first radio programme Oct 3, he had received many letters and mails from people on success stories in dealing with such children.
“After I spoke about it, our officers in the HRD ministry felt that we should also do something. The officers have come up with some schemes. Just see, how changes can come even within the government – this is an example,” Modi said.
He said one of the schemes is to help the specially-abled children who want to study in technical institutes with scholarships.
“One thousand such meritorious specially-abled children will be selected for a special scholarship,” he said, thanking the HRD ministry for coming up with the scheme.
He said the second scheme is to provide for Rs.1 lakh to all Kendriya Vidyalayas and central universities to create infrastructure to help the specially-abled, like building ramps, special toilets etc.
“This is just a beginning. These are the steps that will take us towards change,” the prime minister said.
