Chandigarh, May 29 (IANS) The Punjab and Haryana High Court on Friday issued notice to the state and the civic body of the Sikh holy city of Amritsar on a plea to initiate contempt proceedings against them for not taking any action against the illegal constructions around the Golden Temple.

The high court had issued directions on June 3, 2011 to take action against illegal constructions and again on July 20, 2012 not to sanction building plans in and around the Golden Temple but the government continued to allow illegal construction in the area, said the petitioner.
The court, while issuing notices to the government and the Municipal Corporation of Amritsar, directed them to file reply on July 2.
Petitioner Sarabjit Singh Verka of Amritsar said there are more than 200 illegal hotels and guest houses near the Golden Temple and mostly owners of these hotel owners are influential people.
