New Delhi, Dec 1 (IANS) President Pranab Mukherjee and Prime Minister Narendra Modi Monday greeted all ranks of the Border Security Force (BSF) on its 49th Raising Day.
Mukherjee said he was happy to learn that the BSF had completed 49 years of glorious service to the nation and will celebrate 2015 as the Golden Jubilee Year.
“Ever since its raising, the BSF has made vital contributions to the security of the nation, both on the border as well as in the arena of internal security,” the president said in a statement.
“It has also fulfilled its responsibility in counter insurgency and anti- Naxal operations.
“The BSF has earned a formidable reputation as an elite and professional organization by the dint of its hard work, devotion and sacrifices in the service of the nation,” Mukjerjhee added.
Prime Minister Narenda Modi said: “We salute our BSF personnel who tirelessly and courageously protect our borders. Their dedication and valour always inspire.”