Patna, June 13 (IANS) Police Sunday raided the office of an agency that incurred the wrath of Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar for releasing full page advertisements in vernacular dailies, showing him with Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi.

Kumar had threatened legal action against the agency Saturday.

The advertisement, published in the name of dozens of people of Bihar who are now settled in Gujarat, projected Modi as a close friend of Kumar and highlighted his state’s generous help after the 2008 Kosi floods in Bihar.

‘Enough is enough. I will not tolerate such a blunder. I will take possible legal action against the advertising agency for using my photograph along with Narendra Modi without my permission and knowledge,’ Kumar told reporters Saturday.

A police team Sunday raided the office of Expression Advertisement at Frazer Road here and seized the CD of the advertisement. It also interrogated agency director Arvindam Guha for more than three hours in connection with the advertisement.

Miffed over the advertisement, Kumar had Saturday cancelled a dinner he was to host for top leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) who are here to attend the party’s two-day national executive meeting.