New Delhi, Feb 3 (IANS) The Supreme Court on Wednesday gave its nod for the holding of the Make in India function at Mumbai’s Chowpatty beach on February 13 that will be attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the prime ministers of four other countries.

The apex court bench comprising Justice M.Y.Eqbal and Justice Arun Mishra gave the go ahead after Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi told the court that functions would show case India and it culture.
He said that function was a matter of country’s pride as it would be attended by delegates from 56 countries.
Attorney General Rohatgi told the court that if stopping the holding of the function at Chowpatty by the High Court was correct, then why hold Republic Day parade at India Gate.
As the counsel for the high court appointed committee urged the court that functions should be held under its gaze as it would impact the movement of the traffic, the attorney general said that the function was being organised by the Maharashtra government and the Centre and they will take care of everything.
