Mumbai, Sep 17 (IANS) Indian tennis star Mahesh Bhupathi said Monday he was exploring the legality of the All India Tennis Association (AITA) sidelining him and Rohan Bopanna from the Davis Cup squad till June 2014.
AITA decided to sideline the two players after they defied the association’s decision of pairing one of them with Leander Paes at the 2012 London Games.
Bhupathi has also called for a press conference here Tuesday to give his version and also announce his move against the AITA.
“Rohan has played for India for 10 years and I have played now for about 18 years now. And to get slapped with something like this, I take this as rough,” Bhupathi was quoted as saying by Times Now.
Bhupathi said if AITA’s decision was not legal that he would go after the national body.
“We are exploring it, we don’t know yet but I don’t think what they have done and the way they have done it is fully legal. So we are exploring it what they have done is right and obviously if not legal, we are gonna go after it,” he added.
Bhupathi also felt that AITA’s decision was a case of personal vendetta.
“It’s been going on with me and association and heads of the federation for years now. I am just upset and afraid that my friend and partner Rohan has got caught in the middle of this dirty game. I have been quiet for a long time,” he said.