London, April 20 ( A British woman was killed in a frenzied knife attack by her jealous ex-boyfriend who stabbed her 130 times and gouged out her right eyeball. The assailant has been sentenced to a jail term.

Thirtyfive-year-old Katie Cullen, a nurse, was repeatedly knifed in the face and neck by Iranian born Iman Ghaefelipour in Cheshire, 28, Daily Mail reported.

Ghaefelipour was angry as Cullen had dumped him for stealing more than 3,000 pounds from her bank account. When his attempt to woo her back failed he turned violent and stabbed her more than 130 times.

He then gouged out her right eyeball and attempted to sever her right hand with the knife.

Ghaefelipour has been jailed for a minimum of 23 years after he pleaded guilty to her murder at Manchester Crown Court.

Cullen, who worked at the Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital, had begun dating Ghaelfelipour in 2008. They talked of moving in together.

But the affair went sour after Cullen found out that Ghaefelipour was stealing money from her bank account.

She went to the police but didn’t press charges after he said he would pay back the money in instalments.

Ghaefelipour went to her house on Oct 20 last year on the pretext of discussing the outstanding money.

A little while later neighbours heard a scream and loud noises coming from her home in Stockport, Cheshire. Then Ghaefelipour ran away from there and went to hospital where he claimed he had been mugged and was treated for cuts to his hands.

He was later arrested by police officers when he boarded a bus.