London, Aug 20 (IANS) Video footage captured on helmet cameras of frontline British troops killed in the Afghan war will be shown for the first time in a BBC documentary.

One shocking video shows 22-year-old Darren Deady after he was shot through the chest. He pleads “Hurry up” as frantic medics make nine attempts to insert a drip, The Sun reported.
The BBC3’s “Our War” captures the minutes after Deady and 25-year-old Captain Andrew Griffiths, both from Arnhem Company, 2nd Battalion Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment, were fatally wounded.
It goes on to show a terrifying helicopter evacuation through a sandstorm.
Griffiths fell victim to a Taliban booby trap.
Sergeant Mark Wilson says in the film: “I remember screaming for the boss. I was screaming boss that high that it sounded like a baby screaming.”
“At first, we didn’t realise that anything was wrong with him, I was shouting to him, I said ‘Boss, are you alright?’, he was going yeah ‘I’m over here, I’m over here’. It was then we realised that he was missing his lower part of his leg.”
Both soldiers were flown home but died within weeks.